Psalms 32:2

In this translation, this verse contains text which in some other translations appears in verses Psa 32:1-Psa 32:2.
2A man is very happy when God:

· forgives his disobedience

· covers his sin

· does not put it against him when he does bad things

There is nothing false in his spirit
32:1-2 Verses 1-2: Here David used 3 different words to describe disobeying God. I have translated them:

– DISOBEDIENCE, or not doing what the Bible tells us to do: this hurts God

– SIN, or doing what we want to do; often we cannot stop ourselves: this hurts God and us

– DOING BAD THINGS which means doing things that may hurt other people: it also hurts God and us

These 3 words include all the ways that we disobey God. ‘Disobey’ means ‘not obey.’ Really, David’s 3 words mean the same thing; disobeying God. Christians usually call this by the word ‘sin.’ Sin is a small word with I (me) in the middle.

David then uses 3 different words for what God does;

– God FORGIVES our sin: he GIVES it to Jesus, who carries it AWAY

– God COVERS our sin: he does not punish us for doing it

– God does not PUT (or HOLD) our sin AGAINST US: he will save us from going to hell for doing it

God forgives us because he loves us. He sent his son Jesus to earth to die for us. When Jesus died, God punished Jesus instead of punishing us. ‘Punish’ means ‘hurt someone because they broke the rules.’ In this way, God covers our sin. When we die, nobody will be able to hold it against us, or use it to send us to hell. Hell is a place for punishment after people die. So, we must be like David. We must ask God to forgive us, to cover our sin and not hold it against us.
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